024.5 - Spire - Temple of Khronos Notes
Temple of Khronos by Spire Chronometer - Alternating tones akin to a clock start off the album. This isn't just a clock like you would hear in passing, this one has a sense of a countdown towards something ominous. The way that it is produced really brings out a sense of dread. That and the accompanying sound effects really build this up into something wicked. By the end we have all sorts of distortion, guitars, subtle electronic effects and ultimately the clock. The speed increases and increases until there is this horrible sense of whatever is hunting us has finally caught up. We are now forced to face our doom. Everything ends, and I get this picture of slowly turning around to face what has been chasing us as the track is silent and complacent in letting us face the horror to come. Excellent intro. Hymn I - Tyrant - With as insane as the buildup was in the first track I was expecting something to absolutely pulverize me....